A selection of a few tracks to show my sound as a mixer and mastering engineer.
All tracks were mixed and mastered by me.
Give Me A Reason. Bastion & Down show a modern metal approach.
Fentanyl & Conway show a modern Pop Punk sound, while Tätowiert & Gepiercst
shows a more raw Punk sound.
The Upside is a straight forward, Joan Jett style rock track left completely natural
with a raw drumsounds without samples, as well as raw vocals.
Odds is a more atmospheric indie rock track, Seymour Battle Theme a busy instrumental cover,
When You Smile is a Pop Track I wrote & produced
and Dance is an electronic rock track that's just pure f*kn fun!
Enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed working on these! :D
*These tracks are used with permission by the respective bands and URM Academy. The original productions and mixes were done by these producers: 1) Andrew Wade 2) Joel Wanasek, 3) Tiago Candas and Rodolfo Jaca 5) Carson Slovak and Grant McFarland, 6) Joel Wanasek and Dan Malsch, 7) Nick Pilotta, 8) Benny Grotto at Mad Oak Studios 9) Chris Galvez and Joel Wanasek. These new mixes are unofficial versions and not on the actual release. Go check out these amazing bands & producers! :D

Hey there! My name is Paul and I produce bands and artists under the banner of Hybris Studio.
My journey as a producer began a few years ago, when I wanted to learn, how to record my own music. Can't be that hard, I thought. I quickly discovered, that this rabbit hole is deep. Veeery deep. Deeper than I could imagine. So I dove in headfirst.
Years later, I found myself in a space between rock & metal, with orchestral arrangements & electronic production elements thrown in for good measure and usually a track amount, that I don't even want to count.
I aim to be the catalyst of your creation. I'll help you tell your musical story through all the means, that modern music production offers.
I will guide you through the process from beginning to end, from the prepping stage before the sessions, through the recording stage, all the way to the final mix & masters.
I'll help you be fully prepared before the first day of recording.
I'll push you to your limits to get the best possible performances out of you.
I'll assist you in the songwriting process with an outside perspective of a creative mind from different disciplines - click here for game & film music style compositions - and a toolkit to turn any idea​ into reality - or leave your songs untouched if they are perfect already :D

These are the services I offer:

Let's get your best performances out of you and then edit them together to match modern production styles if needed!
We can also use all my instruments & gear to get the perfect sound & feel for your performance!

Let's get these mixes sounding exactly how you want them to and master them afterwards, to get your music sounding like your influences (or totally different if that's what you want)

If you feel stuck with a song and it just doesn't sound like the masterpiece you have in your head, then let's channel your inner Bach (or Hetfield) together! I can assist you with a creative outside perspective versed in multiple different spheres!
These extras are included as well if you want them

Coffee, Energy Drinks & an assortment of Green, Black & Herbal Teas to give you the necessary energy to perform your best!
(Please don't kill yourself with caffein. That would make me sad. Might make some metal AF lyrics though)

I've designed my studio space to be a great backdrop for videos, so why not use it? Let's make some cool playthroughs, studio videos or Insta posts (or how about Myspace)? I mean colourful LED lights are aesthetic AF (especially purple & blue)!

If you feel uninspired, overwhelmed and tired, go and relax in the other room with some video games - from SNES to PS4, you'll find something to calm you down (or want to strangle your bandmates because fuck that blue shell)

Want your body to be as lit as your riffs? Fear not! I've also been working as a personal trainer & fitness instructor, so if you want to steel (Get it? Metal? No? Ok.) your body after a long day of crouched sitting, I'll help you burn!
*Also includes fuuuuuuuuuun. The more "u" s the better it works. That's science! Trust me, I'm an engineer!